
Before I started I had a lot of anxiety about money. Julia helped me overcome my mental blockers and start to get really intentional about where my money is allocated.

– Tara N.

Julia’s incredibly thoughtful abd custom approach let me develop an awareness of my current habits and an intuition for future financial habits. With each session, Julia really listened to any fears I had about saving for the future while paying off student loans, and I especially appreciated how comfortable she made me feel! She is professional, warm, and non-judgmental, which made the conversation feel easy and approachable.”

– Alice S.

“I feel more confident and empowered about my financial future…”

“I would highly recommend financial coaching to anyone looking to improve their financial situation…”

Julia helped me to see that money is not just about numbers on a page but about the choices I make in my life. She challenged me to think about my values and priorities and how they align with my financial goals. I feel more confident and empowered about my financial future, and I have a clear plan of action to achieve my goals.

– Strohm G.

“I learned to be more intentional. More aware. More grateful.”

These coaching sessions have made me more aware and more intentional with where my money is going and what I’m using it for. I was given many tools to successfully make the most of my income for now while also saving for the future!

– Allyn B.

"I left each session feeling empowered and more confident in my ability to manage my finances, especially given my pay is mostly commission based and erratic. "

Strohm G.

"I've swapped any feeling of anxiety around budgeting for excitement."

Alice S.

Ready to take control of your money?